Different Types of Basketball Fouls
Like any other sport, basketball is also expected to play in a fair and competitive manner. There is no room for such activities which damage the spirit of the game in any way. These harmful acts or activities are generally known as fouls and you can find many types of fouls in basketball.
Personal Fouls
Among all the types of basketball fouls, personal foul is the most common type. It relates to the physical contacts, the illegal ones that are not acceptable in the game of basketball. It can be divided into two more categories, defensive fouls and offensive fouls.
Defensive Fouls
Illegal physical contacts which are made by defensive players are known as defensive fouls. These contacts are primarily aimed to impede the progress of offensive player. Some of the typical defensive fouls are blocking, reaching in, holding, tripping and pushing.
Offensive Fouls
Offensive players also commit personal fouls, mainly charging and illegal screen. Charging is called when offensive player moves into a defensive player, pretending as he is fouled by the defender and illegal screen when player setting the screen constantly moves and blocks the way of the defender.
Flagrant Foul
When an illegal physical contact gets more violent, obvious, unnecessary and excessive, then it is called a flagrant foul. It’s intended to harm a player and results in more harsher penalties than personal fouls. Hitting, punching, shoving etc in such manner that could injure a player or actually ends up hurting him can lead to fines and ejection from the game. There are two types of flagrant fouls: flagrant foul 1 and flagrant foul 2. Upon measuring the severity of contact, referee decides whether to call it type 1 or type 2. He can reclassify his decision after reviewing it.
Technical Fouls
Technical foul include those acts or behaviors that are against the sportsmanship or spirit of the game. It’s an unsportsmanlike conduct from an on court player, bench player, coach or entire team against a player, coach, referee or spectator. For example, releasing anger or frustration in reckless manner like throwing chair or any object, spitting, punting a ball, using improper language or trash talking. Team fighting or fight with crowd, pretending to be fouled
Any infraction from general rules of the game also leads to technical foul. Delaying a game, asking time-out without having any, unnecessary argue or protests with refs, any violation regarding the rules of substitutes. It’s purely up to the referee, if he recognize a specific behavior as misbehavior, then he can call technical foul against the offender.
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